A brand new kind of a custom writing service
Our prices start from $9/page. The total cost of your order depends on several factors:
Type of paper and its complexity
Number of pages
Once you've placed your order, our writers estimate the price and make their bids taking into account the factors mentioned above. Compare prices and choose the one you can afford, and the one you think is the most reasonable for your particular task.
To understand how various factors influence the price, let's have a look at two examples of orders:
Writers' charges also depend on their level of expertise and experience. Experts in a certain area are likely to charge more for their writing, but you can also expect a better result from them.
We don't have a system of discounts. We believe that letting the bidding process run on a free market basis is best. Thus, we try not to interfere in the process so that both writers and clients can decide what price is best for them.